Ekološka taksa u Grčkoj – Sve što treba da znate za 2025. godinu
Od 1. januara 2024. godine, Grčka je uvela promene u zakonu o boravišnim taksama, preimenovavši ih u Ekološku taksu ili taksu za upravljanje klimatskom krizom. Ova odluka dolazi kao odgovor na sve češće prirodne nepogode koje pogađaju zemlju, uključujući požare, poplave i druge ekstremne vremenske uslove, sa ciljem da se obezbede sredstva za prevenciju i upravljanje ovim […]
5 Things You Shouldn’t Miss in Olympic Beach This Season
From perfectly clean beaches to delicious local cuisine, discover the best activities that will make your holiday in Olympic Beach unforgettable!
2024 Season Close: Preparations for the 2025 Grand Comeback Year
While the summer season of 2024. The year is slowly coming to an end, we are pleased to announce that we are preparing for something big – the launch of our platform that will be active for the 2025 season! The next year brings a whole new opportunity and experience for publishers and guests.